The Lord is God of the living, raising and restoring all things to new life. He is the God of making all things new.
As we find ourselves well into the first month of the new year, a time of new beginnings, resolutions, and new commitments, what is the Lord stirring in your heart? What is stirring in your heart as we pass from the previous year and into this new season?
As one of the Sisters of Life once told me in a discernment conversation, it is vital to prayerfully process seasons we leave behind us in order to fully and freely say yes to and be present in the new thing God is doing. She gave me four guiding questions, one of which I want to share with you as we reflect on 2023 and say yes to all the Lord is inviting us into in 2024, be it a season of abundant blessing or trial.
Lord, what did you teach me about love?
In the evening of our lives, we shall be judged on our love, as Saint John of the Cross reminds us. So should not all of our reflections and our "resolutions", our commitments to growth, be centered around our capacity to love and to be loved? Our freedom truly is measured by our capacity to love and be loved.
So join me in reflecting on what the Lord taught you this last year about love, cultivating the seeds He planted in our hearts.