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  • "Are your scapulars made with 100% wool/do they meet the brown scapular requirements?"
    Who wants to wear a brown scapular that doesn't meet the requirements of actually being a brown scapular? Well, rest assured, every single brown scapular made by Qui Minimo (and every scapular sold by Qui Minimo for that matter), meets 100% of the requirements. These scapulars have been not only looked over by priests, but are currently being worn by many priests and acclaimed as the most beautiful one they have ever worn. The requirements for a wool brown scapular (see FAQ 6 for information on metal scapulars) are: 1. Each side backed with 100% wool 2. Rectangular shape 3. Two pieces of wool on either side, either plain wool, or with some embroidered or printed image (most commonly you'll see Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the Infant Jesus, sometimes with Saint Simon Stock, or the Immaculate Heart of Mary, etc.). There is no specific image required for the brown scapular, as long as it is a religious image, generally of Our Lady and Our Lord. And that's it, as far as requirements for how it is made. I would personally argue that, while it is not a requirement, that you and I buy our brown scapulars from meaningful and ethical sources as well. Again, not a requirement, but still important. See QUESTION TWO on the FAQs page for the requirements entailed in the devotion itself.
  • "What are the requirements for wearing the brown scapular and receiving the promise?"
    This is one of the most commonly asked questions, AND often one of the most misunderstood. The requirements for participating in the brown scapular used to be much more intensive, hence the misconceptions of it still being a time and commitment intensive devotion. The requirements used to be to be enrolled (we'll get to that below), to wear it continually, and then on top of this to pray the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (or the Rosary, with permission from a priest) daily, to fast on Wednesdays, Fridays, and all fast days observed by the Church, and to observe chastity according to one's state of life. The intensity with which this devotion was practiced has (unfortunately) turned many away from it, and arguably still keep many at bay (not to say you shouldn't be fasting on fast days and being chaste, just to be clear...). Now, the requirements are simply to bring your brown scapular to a priest and have them enroll you. The enrollment prayer takes less than two minutes (you can google it, OR simply use the Qui Minimo scapular card that has the whole enrollment prayer on it which comes with every order) and it is simply your "investiture" in the scapular, the moment of your entering into this pool of grace of the confraternity of the brown scapular, of sharing in every grace of the Carmelite order. After being enrolled, the only other requirement is to wear the brown scapular continually. Wearing the brown scapular continually does not include swimming, working out, or bathing/showering, though our micro paracord scapulars are made to withstand all sweat, water, and wear and tear. See QUESTION THREE for more information on the micro paracord scapulars vs. the hemp cord.
  • "Should I choose the micro paracord or the hemp cord?"
    Here is the difference. The micro paracord is extremely durable. It should never break or fray, it is sweat-proof, waterproof, and lasts a lifetime. It has a slight wax coating around the cord, and would be the best option for those with extra sensitive skin. It is a darker brown than the hemp cord (see product images for visual), and the slightest bit thicker (though hardly noticeable). The hemp cord is 100% natural, with an ever so slightly more delicate and dainty look. It is durable, being able to bear up to 20 lbs of tension, though it is not waterproof and we recommend taking it off for working out, swimming, and bathing for longest life span. This is a great option for those who would like 100% natural materials and/or a slightly daintier and lighter look. It is a lighter and warmer brown than the micro paracord (see product images for visual). See FAQ number four for more details on scapular care.
  • "How do I care for and wash my scapular?
    Scapular care is simple, but depends on which cord you have (micro paracord or hemp). The images themselves can be washed in the shower when you wash yourself, and can withstand the washing machine. For micro paracord scapulars, there is no specific care needed. You can get your micro paracord wet, put it in the washing machine, or hand-wash it. The hemp cord, on the other hand, should not be put in water if it can be helped. If you need to wash it, hand wash or shower with it on, and then lay it out straight from one end to the other, so there is no bend in the cord. You may need to secure either end under something heavier to keep it in place. This will ensure that the cord dries straight without tangling. This also applies if you accidentally get your hemp cord wet. If your hemp cord gets tangled, get the cord damp and then follow the instructions above to ensure it dries straightened out.
  • "Is the scapular superstitious?"
    The Brown Scapular is known for its promise that whoever wears it, won't go to hell. A wieghty promise indeed. Not only this, but Mary also promises her special protection and favor over those who wear her garment. When she gave the Brown Scapular to Saint Simon Stock, she said to him, "take this Scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire," and, "Wear it devoutly and perseveringly. It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life." This is tangible, concrete way to wrap ourselves in her mantle, to bury ourselves in her tangible embrace. ​ The question remains... is wearing a scapular and believing in these promises superstitious? This is a fair question, especially when we experience some people's excessive reliance or dependence on devotions or "promises" as their primary security and level of peace in their relationship with the Lord or regarding their actual salvation. It is also a fair question when we experience rigidity surrounding such devotions, a kind of scrupulosity about the requirements or practice as if salvation does not exist outside of the perfect practice of these little devotions. Of course, this is not what the Church teaches, and is simply not true. Let's clear some of these misconceptions. You do not need to wear the scapular to go to heaven. The Church does not require that you wear a scapular. The scapular is simply a sacramental, which is a way of deepening faith, hope, and love, and deepening our participation in a life of grace, ultimately through the sacraments. Part of this devotion is the actual practice of it, which is giving oneself to Christ through Mary, and if one is actively living out this devotion, the promise is a fruit (by the mercy of God). Salvation itself is not something we can ever earn, but is an eternal gift of mercy. But one step further than this, if you and I are actively giving ourselves to Jesus through Mary, and exercising our faith, hope, and love in this way, the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity and He blesses in abundance those who give themselves to Him. So, with a kind of childlike audacity, why would God not bless those who practice this devotion? He is better than anything we can ever conceive. We are not earning "more" salvation, we are stepping into the pool of God's mercy through His mother, and He lavishes it upon anyone who is seeking Him. So is it superstitious? No. Is it required? No. But is there supernatural grace, blessing, and promise that God gives and fulfills in those who give themselves to Him through His mother in this way? Absolutely.
  • "Are metal scapulars allowed, or do they have to be wool?"
    This is a million dollar question, as we see all sorts of metal scapulars popping up, and they are even sold right here on Qui Minimo. ​ The deal with metal scapulars in this: ​ They do count as a real scapular, however you have to be enrolled with a wool one first before wearing the metal scapular. That is the key ingredient. Why? Most likely to preserve and participate in the tradition, for there to be a moment of being "invested" in this actual brown, wool scapular before moving into something that is perhaps more convenient or contemporary. ​ So you are more than welcome to wear the metal scapular, but just be sure to be enrolled with the wool one first. See Catholic Answers' answer for more details below: ​ "Since 1910 and the regulation of the Holy Office of December 16 of that year (Acta Apost. Sedis, III, 22 sq.) it is permitted to wear, instead of one or more of the small scapulars, a single medal of metal. This medal must have on one side a representation of Jesus Christ with His Most Sacred Heart and on the other any image of the Mother of God. All persons who have been validly invested with a blessed woolen scapular may replace such by this medal. The medal must be blessed by a priest possessing the faculty to bless and invest with the scapular or scapulars, which the medal is to replace. The faculties to bless these medals are subject to the same conditions and limitations as the faculties to bless and invest with the corresponding scapulars. If the medal is to be worn instead of a number of different scapulars, it must receive the blessing that would be attached to each of them, i.e. as many blessings as the number of scapulars it replaces. For each blessing a sign of the Cross suffices. This medal must also be worn constantly, either about the neck or in some other seemly manner, and with it may be gained all the indulgences and privileges of the small scapulars without exception."
  • "How do I inquire about my order"
    Please do not directly email any email address from which you receive Qui Minimo updates. Those get very easily missed. To formally inquire about an order, please fill out the contact form on the website with your order number. This is the best way to ensure that your question is being seen, and answered.
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