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"Are metal scapulars allowed, or do they have to be wool?"

This is a million dollar question, as we see all sorts of metal scapulars popping up, and they are even sold right here on Qui Minimo.


The deal with metal scapulars in this:


They do count as a real scapular, however you have to be enrolled with a wool one first before wearing the metal scapular. That is the key ingredient. Why? Most likely to preserve and participate in the tradition,  for there to be a moment of being "invested" in this actual brown, wool scapular before moving into something that is perhaps more convenient or contemporary.


So you are more than welcome to wear the metal scapular, but just be sure to be enrolled with the wool one first.


See Catholic Answers' answer for more details below:


"Since 1910 and the regulation of the Holy Office of December 16 of that year (Acta Apost. Sedis, III, 22 sq.) it is permitted to wear, instead of one or more of the small scapulars, a single medal of metal. This medal must have on one side a representation of Jesus Christ with His Most Sacred Heart and on the other any image of the Mother of God. All persons who have been validly invested with a blessed woolen scapular may replace such by this medal. The medal must be blessed by a priest possessing the faculty to bless and invest with the scapular or scapulars, which the medal is to replace. The faculties to bless these medals are subject to the same conditions and limitations as the faculties to bless and invest with the corresponding scapulars. If the medal is to be worn instead of a number of different scapulars, it must receive the blessing that would be attached to each of them, i.e. as many blessings as the number of scapulars it replaces. For each blessing a sign of the Cross suffices. This medal must also be worn constantly, either about the neck or in some other seemly manner, and with it may be gained all the indulgences and privileges of the small scapulars without exception."

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